Egoismul inspira atata dezgust incat noi am inventat politetea pentru a-l ascunde, dar el strapunge tot ceea ce-l acopera si se tradeaza in orice imprejurare.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Egoistul se priveste ca ultim scop al creatiunii: s-ar astepta ca in clipa mortii sale sa fie sfarsitul lumii.
A trai pentru tine este odios si plicticos. Viata intemeiata pe fericirea personala oboseste si alunga speranta.
Se trezeste Ion de dimineata buna ca avea de crapat lemne.No, si se apuca Ion de crapat, cind il vede pe Gheorghe la poarta:
– ‘Mneata, Gheo!
– ‘Mneata, Ioane!
– C faci ma, Gheo? Nu vii sa ma ajuti la lemne?
– Nu pot ma Ioane ca is beteag rau…
– No, tulai Doamne, da’ ce ai ma Gheo?
– Boala gre’ ma Ioane!
– Da’ ce boala ai ma?
– Boala venerica…
– Ioi, ma… da’ cum ii boala asta, ma?
– Pa’ stii tu ma Gheo… ma doare in p*** de lemnele tale!
Am inventat politetea; ce mare adevar…
O,Doamne ai mila …
Cate n-a inventat omul… .Politetea, scuzele , eschiva… .
n-as vrea sa zic ca poza printre altele e si una rasista..
dar omul e o jigodie :lol:.. din pacate
Ai dreptate cu poza, este.Si cu omul.Suntem 🙂
Hai că sunt curios să număr la sfârșitul zilei câți sfințișori condamnă și înfierează egoismul, ei fiind, cum altfel, definiții ale altruismului. Să n-o mai dăm de gard, nu există om care să nu aibă în ADN o doză de egoism.
Se pare ca s-au abtinut 🙂 Nu ai ce numara 🙂
Eu sunt o persoană egoistă :). Nu știu cu cine semăn că nimeni din jurul meu nu pare a fi așa. Dar ceea ce spune Schopenhauer mi se potrivește perfect.. sunt o persoană politicoasă când vine vorba de egoism.. adică sunt o egoistă cu politețe 😀
Bine… am și momentele mele bune, când nu sunt egoistă și ajut pe cine cum pot… însă asta foarte rar… pentru că am învățat că lumea din jur nu merită să te strofoci pentru ea și că fiecare trebuie să fie pentru el.. că dacă nu ești tu… atunci cine?
Politetea sterge un pic din egoism.Cand esti politicos, o faci ca sa nu ranesti sentimentele celui din fata ta,deci…NU esti100% egoista 😉
nuuuuuu mi-ai rănit sentimentele :(( mi-ai rănit orgoliul meu de om egoist :(( vreau să fiu 100% :X!!!!!
Hai treaca! Esti 100%! …
Sărumâna :* meriți o ciocolată!
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Mostly, おすすめ 万年筆 ペリカン 万年筆 万年筆 激安,ペリカン 万年筆 万年筆 激安 万年筆 激安,ペリカン 万年筆 おすすめ 万年筆 おすすめ 万年筆 – [url=]dmi kit chens[/url] fountain pens seem more designed for pen aficionados and calligraphers compared to artists that draw a good number of figures. Notably, almost none of this fountain pens I’ve used have demonstrated much brand width variation, which I think is probably the most important things artists search for in non-tech pens. So I’ve been using each one of my fountain pens to write to-do lists, more or less. The exception is ロンシャン アウトレット ロンシャン アウトレット ロンシャン プリアージュ,ロンシャン トリクアドリ ロンシャン プリアージュ ロンシャン プリアージュ,ロンシャン プリアージュ ロンシャン トリクアドリ ロンシャン アウトレット – [url=]isis of indy[/url] your Pilot Penmanship, which I will sketch with occasionally…because it writes as being a fine point gel printer ink pen. Neat! The Penmanship’s body is pretty similar to the Plumix’s: nice clear plastic, very comfortable ergonomic grasp, and weird twisty prop cap. I still don’t like the screw cap. It slows me lower アグ 2014 秋冬新作 アグ ムートンブーツ アグ 2014 秋冬新作,アグ ムートンブーツ UGG ブーツ アグ ムートンブーツ,アグ レディース アグ 2014 秋冬新作 アグ レディース,UGG ブーツ アグ レディース アグ レディース – [url=]ram deart[/url] and annoys me enough i always don’t re-cap the pen all the time I set it straight down, which means I finish up losing the cap a lot… the cap may have little plastic nubs on its sides to counteract it from rolling away tables, but especially because mine may be a clear cap, I forget where I set it down in addition to I knock it there are various ニューバランス ランニングシューズ ニューバランス スニーカー ニューバランス ランニングシューズ,new balance スニーカー ニューバランス ランニングシューズ ニューバランス ランニングシューズ,new balance スニーカー new balance スニーカー ニューバランス ランニングシューズ – [url=]ono rais land[/url] desk and then whom knows where it goes after that. The pen writes wonderfully mostly. I didn’t have any kind of ink flow issues in the beginning, but again, like the Plumix, you have to sparkling out the nib every time you replace the ink cartridge or it will eventually start clogging weird. Even before I swapped out the ink though, I started having a smaller ロエベ アウトレット ロエベ アウトレット ロエベ 財布 2014 秋冬,ロエベ アウトレット ロエベ 財布 2014 秋冬 ロエベ 財布 2014 秋冬,ロエベ アウトレット ロエベ バッグ 激安 ロエベ アウトレット – [url=]lou sei[/url] problem where ink would collect in the nib’s breather hole, which inevitably stained the fingers and sometimes ended in smudges. It’s been a very little better since I cleaned out the nib, but yeah. One of the things I really like about the Penmanship is that you could push on the nib to write along with pulling on it, as long as an individual aren’t too heavy-handed. The nib is very sharp, so too much demand will tear and nothing paper in either course, but this is the best nib pen of any sort where I could truthfully really push on this nib to write without have an issue. おすすめ 万年筆 ロンシャン プリアージュ UGG ブーツ ニューバランス スニーカー ロエベ バッグ 激安